Transmittal Report: Created by AutoCAD LT eTransmit piątek, 27 października 2023, 11:37. Drawing: This is a transmittal based on PW_PZT_ MURY OPOROWE_DOM POMOCY_17.10.2023_zbiornik+transparentość.dwg. Files: Root Drawing: PW_PZT_ MURY OPOROWE_DOM POMOCY_17.10.2023_zbiornik+transparentość.dwg Dokument Adobe Acrobat References: MDCP OSTATECZNA\wg-iii.6640.1.2401.2021_mapa_PDP.pdf AutoCAD LT Color-dependent Plot Style Table File References: PlotCfgs\Screening 100%.ctb AutoCAD LT Plotter Configuration File References: PlotCfgs\DWG To PDF.pc3 The following files were excluded from the transmittal: acadlt.fmp Fonts\arial.ttf Fonts\GOTHIC.TTF Fonts\romand.shx Fonts\romans.shx Fonts\ltypeshp.shx Fonts\isocpeur.ttf Fonts\Simplex.shx MDCP OSTATECZNA\wg-iii.6640.1.2401.2021_mapa.dwg Fonts\calibri.ttf The following files could not be located: @Arial Unicode MS.(shx,ttf) 1224.jpg ksztalty.(shx,ttf) Notes for distribution: PDF Underlay files: Paths may be present on references to PDF underlay files. Make sure these paths work or that the root drawing is u sing the correct references. .PC3 printer configuration files: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD LT Printer Configuration Search Path directory. .CTB/.STB plot style tables: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD LT Plot Style Table Search Path directory.